Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Simple Machines:African American Inventors


Name: Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr

Birthday: Paris, Kentucky March 4, 1877

Family: Brother and sister

Morgan spent his early childhood attending school and working with his brothers and sisters on the family farm. He left Kentucky while still a teenager, moving north to Cincinnati, Ohio in search of employment.


Traffic Lights,
Gas Mask,
Electric hair-curling comb 


Garrett Morgan's inventions did more than make him rich or famous. They saved many lives.

1912, Morgan invented a type of gas mask. Gas masks
 allowed firefighters to breathe in smoke-filled 
buildings. Morgan became famous when he used the gas mask to rescue a group of workers trapped in an underground tunnel. Afterwards, firefighters around the country began buying Morgan's gas mask. The United States army also used the gas mask during World War I.
One of Morgan's most famous inventions was the traffic light. Morgan saw that there were many car accidents in cities. He decided that he needed to help make streets safer. His traffic light made travel much safer. Morgan's traffic light was used throughout North America for many years. Today, traffic lights help keep roads safe around the world.
organ made more inventions throughout his life. He invented an electric hair-curling comb when he was elderly and blind. Morgan liked to invent new things.


1 comment:

  1. Alaya,
    Make sure that when you present this for exhibition you explain how this ties in to the concept of simple and complex machines. Great job!
